Planetary mixers

1,799.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B5 Voltage: 230V Capacity: 5 liters Removable bowl Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Smooth speed control. Included: egg beater, lflat beater, hook Brand new product
1,889.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B7 Voltage: 230V Capacity: 7 liters Removable bowl Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Smooth speed control. Set includes: egg beater, flat beater, hook Brand new product
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B10A Voltage: 230V Capacity: 10 litres Removable bowl Lowering the bowl with the crankwheel. Easy to use. The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels Set includes: egg beater, flat beater, hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B10A Voltage: 400V Capacity: 10 litres Removable bowl Lowering the bowl with the crankwheel. Easy to use. The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels Set includes: egg beater, flat beater, hook All accessories are made of...
2,519.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B10K Voltage: 230V Capacity: 10 litres Removable bowl Lowering the bowl with the lever. Easy to use. The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels Set includes: egg beater, flat beater, hook All accessories are made of acid-resistant...
2,519.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B10K Capacity: 10 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Quick lowering of the bowl by lever Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B15K Capacity: 15 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Quick lowering of the bowl by lever Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B15K Capacity: 15 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Quick lowering of the bowl by lever Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20A Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20A Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20K Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20K Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20K + T Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working.The machine is equipped with a timer. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20K + T Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working.The machine is equipped with a timer. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20F Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Machine equipped with an induction motor. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B20F Capacity: 20 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Machine equipped with an induction motor. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30A Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30A Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
4,229.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30K Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
4,229.00 zł
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30K Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and hook All accessories are made of...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30K + T Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working.The machine is equipped with a timer. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30K + T Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by lever. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working.The machine is equipped with a timer. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat beater and...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30F Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 230V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Machine equipped with an induction motor. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat...
PLANETARY MIXER AND ACCESSORIES Model: B30F Capacity: 30 liters Voltage: 400V Removable bowl Lowering of the bowl by crankwheel. Easy to use The mixer has a cover with holes that allow you to sprinkle or add ingredients while the mixer is working. Machine equipped with an induction motor. Three speed levels. Set includes: egg and cream beater, flat...

Miksery planetarne TECHNOLOGIES 4ALL przeznaczone do różnego rodzaju ciast

w tym lekkich oraz cięższych to seria nowoczesnych i profesjonalnych mieszalników z wbudowaną przekładnią planetarną, które zastosowanie mają we wszelkiego rodzaju lokalach gastronomicznych oraz cateringowych. Dzięki szerokiemu wyborowi pojemności dzież: od 5 do 60 litrów, można dobrać idealny model do swoich potrzeb produkcyjnych. Modele mniejsze, o pojemności 5 i 7 litrów z powodzeniem sprawdzą się w kawiarniach, naleśnikarniach, jak również w gospodarstwach domowych. Większe urządzenia sprawdzają się w cukierniach, piekarniach, restauracjach i w innych lokalach gastronomicznych zajmujących się wielkoskalową produkcją przemysłową. Miksery planetarne sprawdzają się idealnie w tworzeniu oraz miksowaniu mieszaniny o lekkiej oraz luźnej konsystencji takich jak: ciasta naleśnikowe, kremy, wszelakiego rodzaju masy cukiernicze. W tego typu robotach proces mieszania jest o wiele bardziej efektywny niż przy mikserze ręcznym ponieważ proces mieszania odbywa się w sposób wielokierunkowy, tzn. mieszadła obracają się wokół własnej osi, oraz wokół misy. Ruch ten przypomina obrót ziemi wokół słońca (stąd w nazwie tego miksera znajduje się słowo planetarny). Dzięki takiej pracy dochodzi do różnych procesów, odpowiednie, jednostajne oraz równomierne mieszanie wraz z napowietrzaniem dzięki czemu produkt końcowy (mieszanina) charakteryzuje się wysoką jakością. Podczas pracy dochodzi do wielu różnych, ważnych procesów, jak na przykład odpowiedniego napowietrzenia, co jest niezwykle ważne przyprawidłowym wytwarzaniu najwyższej jakości produktów spożywczych.


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